Thur. 13. Febr. to Sun. 16. Febr. 2020
Fishing, Hunting, Shooting
Bern - Switzerland
Thur. 20. Febr. to Sun. 23. Febr. 2020
Hunting and Fishing
Austria - Salzburg
Fri. 06. - Sun. 08. March 2020
Aqua Fisch
Germany - Friedrichshafen
Sat. 28. and Sun. 29. March 2020
EWF - Erlebniswelt Fliegenfischen
Germany - Fürstenfeldbruck
Sat. 25. and Sun. 26. April 2020
Hous fair Bernhard fishing tackle
Switzerland - Wichtrach
Sat. 09. and Sun. 10. May 2020
Dutch Fly Fair
Netherland - Putten
Fri. 21. Mai to Sun. 24. May 2020
OEFG Fliegenfischertag,
Oesterreichische Fischereigesellschaft
Austria - Purgstall
Sat. 31. October 2020
Hous fair Andino Travel
Switzerland - Aarau