At this point we have put together some flies for the Orkla. These very successful flies have been tested by us in many variations over the years in the Orkla
and those flies can make successful Orkla fishermen. Some of these flies are manufactured on standard plastic tubes. Others with the new Pro Tube system.
These flies are merely variants. Tie your flies to your own ideas-without weighting-weighting with a hidden body, Conehead's, Hard disc's-soft disc's-Turbo
Disc's (Frodin / Guideline) U.S.'s Tubes, etc. The basic idea of weighted flys is to neutralize the weight of the hook at the end of the fly. Thus, the fly floats
horizontally in all speeds of flow. Heavily weighted flies "liv" is not very good in the flow. With different types of disc's you generate additional turbulence at
the fly and can thus improve the "game" of the fly. These salmon flies are tied by Hans Spinnler. Similarities with the original patterns are intended. The
names of some flies are known in other flies, we have taken the liberty and given them names.
So please do not subject us to any copyright or proprietary interest in relation to the names shown and the tying style of our salmon flies.
copyright by spinnler flyfishing AS
Spinnler Flyfishing AS
℅ Hans Spinnler
Bachtalenstrasse 2
CH - 4313 Möhlin