
Tusshølen is located at the beginning of the village of Støras , about 20 km upstream from Fannrem and 10 km below Meldal . The route has 2 pools and is approx. 500 m long. The upper pool fishes best at normal and low tide, the lower pool is a classic holding pool and ends in a deep scour. Our guests fish this stretch on one side from the left bank (seen downstream).
copyright by spinnler flyfishing AS
ADRESS Spinnler Flyfishing AS ℅ Hans Spinnler Bachtalenstrasse 2 CH - 4313 Möhlin Switzerland
Tusshølen is located at the beginning of the village of Støras , about 20 km upstream from Fannrem and 10 km below Meldal . The route has 2 pools and is approx. 500 m long. The upper pool fishes best at normal and low tide, the lower pool is a classic holding pool and ends in a deep scour. Our guests fish this stretch on one side from the left bank (seen downstream).
Hans Spinnler Bachtalenstrasse 2 CH - 4313 Möhlin Switzerland Mail: spinnler@spinnler-fliegenfischen.ch Phone: ++41 (0)79 322 25 87 www.spinnler-fliegenfischen.ch www.laksefiske-orkla.com


Tusshølen is located at the beginning of the village of Støras , about 20 km upstream from Fannrem and 10 km below Meldal . The route has 2 pools and is approx. 500 m long. The upper pool fishes best at normal and low tide, the lower pool is a classic holding pool and ends in a deep scour. Our guests fish this stretch on one side from the left bank (seen downstream).
