School 4/2021: Week 30, 25.07. to 28.07.2021. Arrival on Sat.24.07. Departure on Sat.31.07. Fishing begins Sat.24.07., 20.00 and ends Sat.31.07., 08.00 o’clock. Salmon School begins Sun.25.07., 9.00 o’clock and ends Wed.28.07. Instructor: Hans Spinnler, certified Master Flycasting Instructor (FFFE/EFFA). Targets: How to select the optimal equipment. (Rod, line, leader and fly) The principle of the Underhand technique. (Short stroke - Straight line) Basic - underhand cast How to change direction up to 90 degrees. Overhead cast Strategy and tactics for catching an Atlantic salmon Reading the water How to select the right fly at the right moment How to controll the drift of your fly (speed, depth etc.). How to behav on the water Duration: 4 Days. 4 hours teaching daily. Participants: Exclusive only 4 participants per class/week For beginners and advanced flyfishers Equipment: It can be rented for the week.Price: Euro 50.00 / week On request. Insurance, Participation in the offered courses, travel and events takes place at your own risk Liability Liability for damage to property or personal injury of any kind is excluded. We recommend that you take out an appropriate insurance. We also recommend you to take out a travel cancellation insurance. Including: 4 days salmon master class. 7 nights, single room with breakfast at Aunemo 6.5 days Flyfishing Price: According to the Price List 2021. Private lessons with Hans Spinnler are available on request.

Equipment to bring

Rod: Doublehand flyrod,12 to 15 feet. Lines: Floating- and Sinking Lines in different sinkrates. Leaders: Bring long stout new tapered nylon leaders, 15-20 feet, 20+ pound strength for floating lines, short leaders for sinking lines. Polyleaders. Salmon Flys: Big, medium and small Tubeflys. Gold, Orange, Red, Braun Doublehooks size 2 - 8. Waders Waders. In our little house shop you can purchase current salmon flies, hooks and leaders.

Successful Flyfishing for Atlantic salmon.

Orkla Salmon School 4 / 2021
copyright by spinnler flyfishing AS
ADRESS Spinnler Flyfishing AS ℅ Hans Spinnler Bachtalenstrasse 2 CH - 4313 Möhlin Switzerland

Successful Flyfishing for Atlantic salmon.

Orkla Salmon School 4 / 2021
Hans Spinnler Bachtalenstrasse 2 CH - 4313 Möhlin Switzerland Mail: Phone: ++41 (0)79 322 25 87
Week 30, 25.07. to 28.07.2021. Arrival on Sat.24.07. Departure on Sat.31.07. Fishing begins Sat.24.07., 20.00 and ends Sat.31.07., 08.00 o’clock. Salmon School begins Sun.25.07., 9.00 o’clock and ends Wed.28.07. Instructor: Hans Spinnler, certified Master Flycasting Instructor (FFFE/EFFA). Targets: How to select the optimal equipment. (Rod, line, leader and fly) The principle of the Underhand technique. (Short stroke - Straight line) Basic - underhand cast How to change direction up to 90 degrees. Overhead cast Strategy and tactics for catching an Atlantic salmon Reading the water How to select the right fly at the right moment Präsentation der Fliege (Geschwindigkeit, Tiefe etc.). How to behav on the water Duration: 4 Days. 4 hours teaching daily. Participants: Exclusive only 4 participants per class/week For beginners and advanced flyfishers Equipment: It can be rented for the week.Price: Euro 50.00 / week On request. Insurance, Participation in the offered courses, travel and events takes place at your own risk Liability Liability for damage to property or personal injury of any kind is excluded. We recommend that you take out an appropriate insurance. We also recommend you to take out a travel cancellation insurance. Including: 4 days salmon master class. 7 nights, single room with breakfast at Aunemo 6.5 days Flyfishing National License and disinfection of your equipment Price: According to the Price List 2021. Private lessons with Hans Spinnler are available on request. Equipment to bring Rod: Doublehand flyrod,12 to 15 feet. Lines: Floating- and Sinking Lines in different sinkrates. Leaders: Bring long stout new tapered nylon leaders, 15-20 feet, 20+ pound strength for floating lines, short leaders for sinking lines. Polyleaders. Salmon Flys: Big, medium and small Tubeflys. Gold, Orange, Red, Braun Doublehooks size 2 - 8. Waders Waders. In our little house shop you can purchase current salmon flies, hooks and leaders.
Week 30, 25.07. to 28.07.2021. Arrival on Sat.24.07. Departure on Sat.31.07. Fishing begins Sat.24.07., 20.00 and ends Sat.31.07., 08.00 o’clock. Salmon School begins Sun.25.07., 9.00 o’clock and ends Wed.28.07. Instructor: Hans Spinnler, certified Master Flycasting Instructor (FFFE/EFFA). Targets: How to select the optimal equipment. (Rod, line, leader and fly) The principle of the Underhand technique. (Short stroke - Straight line) Basic - underhand cast How to change direction up to 90 degrees. Overhead cast Strategy and tactics for catching an Atlantic salmon Reading the water How to select the right fly at the right moment How to controll the drift of your fly (speed, depth etc.). How to behav on the water Duration: 4 Days. 4 hours teaching daily. Participants: Exclusive only 4 participants per class/week For beginners and advanced flyfishers Equipment: It can be rented for the week.Price: Euro 50.00 / week. On request. Insurance, Participation in the offered courses, travel and events takes place at your own risk Liability Liability for damage to property or personal injury of any kind is excluded. We recommend that you take out an appropriate insurance. We also recommend you to take out a travel cancellation insurance. Including: 4 days salmon master class. 7 nights, single room with breakfast at Aunemo 6.5 days Flyfishing National License and disinfection of your equipment Price: According to the Price List 2021. Private lessons with Hans Spinnler are available on request.

Successful salmon flyfishing.

Orkla Salmon School 4 / 2021