Salmon Flyfishing 2025
Orkla Norway
Salmon Flyfishing Orkla Norway 2025
Fly fishing has nothing to do with "witchcraft" and can be learned by
everyone with a little practice. Because of the extensive experience of
Hans Spinnler in practical fly fishing and many years of practice as an
internationally recognized instructor (Certified Master Instructor
Flycasting FFFE / EFFA) you get the best possible education and training
in various fields of fly fishing in his classes. You learn or improve your
casting style in small groups on the lawn and the water. You expand your
practice skills and your theoretical knowledge of equipment,
presentation techniques and choice of the right fly.
Flyfishing Academy
Through competence and experience to success
Hans Spinnler's extensive range of courses
Singlehand-Casting schools
Doublehand-Casting schools (Underhand technique)
Instructor Preparatory schools (EFFA / IFFF etc.)
Personal Coaching
Practical schools “Successful flyfishing for Grayling and Trout.”
Practical schools “Successful flyfishing for atlantic Salmon”
Practical week “Learning by doing” in Austria
“ Through competence and experience to success “
The Orkla is one of the few rivers in the world where anglers have the
chance to hook a “multi-sea-winter salmon” over 20 kg with their next
cast. Fly fishermen on the Orkla always have excellent conditions for
excellent sport for Atlantic salmon.
Read more……..
Quality - not quantity
…… is the Aunemo Lodge philosophy.
The 5 stretches of the Aunemo Lodge are among the best that the Orkla
has to offer for fly fishermen and together form the most productive
rotation fishing on the Orkla.